Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Volunteer Surgeons

Dr. David Gillespie, of the Society of Vascular Surgeons, started a volunteer program for stateside vascular surgeons to go out on two week rotations to the Landstuhl Regional Army Hospital in Germany. This allows the surgeons to assist the staff at Landstuhl with more serious surgeries that include the repairing of arteries and veins of battlefield casualties. Since the need for such expertise is not in high demand at the facility, this program allows local doctors to assist our soldiers as needed, and have the satisfaction of doing so.

Recently, Dr. Yaron Sternbach returned from his time in Germany as a volunteer surgeon. Although he does not agree with the current War on Iraq, Dr. Sternbach says he felt taking care of our wounded soldiers over seas was "professionally gratifying" and encourages other doctors to do the same.

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